Shadowy Truth Page 3
Yep, I was sick alright.
I could tell just by my reflection. My skin, pale and my eyes were droopy looking. Like I hadn't slept in ages.
I glanced over when I saw something out of the corner of my eyes. It was Blackie. He had his paws up on the sink and was staring at me worried. I think he knew I was sick.
I watched him for a few minutes then was quiet surprised when he got down and took the bottom of my shirt and started back toward my bed.
Was he trying to tell me to get some rest?
I think he is. Like I've said before he is very intelligent, for a dog.
Looking at the bed I finally sighed, saying, “Alright, I guess you're right. A few hours of sleep probably would do me some good."
Moving so I could slip my feet in under the covers I relaxed. Then as usual I felt Blackie leap up onto the bed and lay near my side, his head against my arm. I don't know what I'd do without him.
He is my best friend.
In an odd way he is the only thing that can give me comfort. And a sense of being safe no matter what. I like that feeling, it makes me feel…important.
Like I'm not as worthless as my mind wants me to think most of the time.
I felt like I was in heaven. I could feel something soft and warm against my cheek. But not wanting the sensation to leave, I only moved my face closer, keeping my eyes closed.
This was an odd feeling, or to me at least it was. The feeling of being at peace with one’s self is what heaven is like?
Continuing to wonder I didn't even notice the slight movement next to me on the bed. But when I felt a weight lay over my waist then I came too.
Someone was beside me, and it defiantly was not my dog, Blackie.
Chapter Three
Something was wrong. This wasn't my warm, sweet Blackie. Opening my eyes I was shocked at what I saw.
"Wh-who are you?" I whispered as my eyes locked with a pair of brilliant silver orbs.
All I could do was study them, since I was in too much shock to do much of anything at the moment.
"Hm," His voice, even in the soft hum was slightly familiar. It seemed so warm and gentle, like the man from my strange daydream.
"Who are you? What are you doing in my…bed?" I stuttered.
I didn't know whether to hit him, call the police or what. My mind was flooded with thoughts.
Why does he look like the man from my dream?
Who is he?
Why is he in my room, in my bed?
I watched him as he reached up and rubbed his eyes a bit then he seemed in a state of shock himself.
"I asked you a question," I dared.
"Oh no," He said in a panicked tone. Springing to his feet I was slightly shocked at his speed.
Scanning him curiously as my hand rested on the stand of the lamp near my bed, just in case. I didn't know what to think when I noticed he was wearing…Blackie's collar. The same collar I had bought for Blackie a few weeks back.
"I'm sorry," I heard him mutter.
Was he afraid of me or something? He seemed to be cowering or confused, I really couldn’t tell.
But why would a man cower like that?
Did I look that intimidating? All this was too much.
Moving so I could sit on the edge of my bed I stared at him, my hand never leaving the lamp.
"You never answered," I mumbled. "Who are you?"
Slowly I watched as his silver eyes locked with mine. They caused my skin to crawl; they couldn't belong to a normal human. They couldn't be contacts, they were too brilliant.
Reaching up I placed my hand to my face. I felt dizzy, sort of light-headed.
What was happening?
My mind seemed to be slipping into unconsciousness.
"I'm sorry, Katie." His voice seemed slightly worried. Did I see something I wasn't meant to see? What was going on?
Closing my eyes I felt as if I was levitating. My body felt light as a feather. Then I felt it, someone's hand over my eyes.
It was him, again.
I felt the same way as I did the last time, in that strange dream.
"Blackie," I murmured.
I was worried. What was going on? He was all I had.
I mean I had my best friend, but to me Blackie was like a person, someone I could confine in.
"I'm here, Katie."
"Huh?" My eyes shot open but everything was still dark. A sweet, heavenly scent drifted to my nose. The wonderful smell caused me to drift my eyes back shut.
What was happening? Was I dying? Was this the end?
"Shh, it’s alright." That voice was like a melody. He was so…angelic.
I felt my body rest down against the smooth sheets of my bed. Someone laid me down gently. All I could do was relax; I felt a sense of peace. The same feeling from my strange dream. What was going on?
I couldn't be scared, the feeling in my heart wouldn't allow it.
"Sleep, Katie. This is merely a dream." Those were the last words I heard, as my mind drifted off into dream land.
My realm of wonder.
Feeling an odd feeling I opening my eyes. I felt as though I was in lukewarm water, at least to my neck. But as I glanced there was nothing. No water, just air. But the feeling was extremely real.
I could feel the intense pressure of the water against my chest. I felt as though I couldn't breathe. I felt paralyzed.
It was Heather's voice, I was sure of that. Was she calling to me? If so where was she? Glancing around all I saw was white, nothing but pure white.
"Heather? Heather, where are you?" I called back.
My voice shaky and low. I felt like I was going to pass out, again. The pressure on my chest seemed to be increasing. What was going on?
"Katie? Wake up!"
There was her voice once again, louder this time. But why was she telling me to wake up? Wasn't I already awake? Then it struck me…I was dreaming. This was all a bad dream.
Sitting up with a gasp I started to trash in panic. Flailing my arms wildly as if trying to swim out of the dream.
"Katie! Katie, wake up! What's wrong?" Heather's voice rang out again in panic.
She was hugging me, trying to calm me down. My body felt icy cold in sweat. What was going on? What's wrong with me?
Finally I broke down, leaning against Heather I began to cry- yet again.
Something was wrong with me, something terrible. But I didn't know what.
"Katie I’m here, shh." Heather's voice wasn't hyper or childish; instead it was that of a good friend. Calm and concerned. "What happened? Was it a bad dream?" She asked, petting my hair as she spoke. She must have hoped it would calm me in some sense. And she was right.
Just the thought of knowing I had someone here, someone to rely on helped me.
"I don't know…what's wrong with me." I muttered.
My voice seemed to be back. The pressure was released as I let out a heavy sigh. Then I remembered the strange dream before the last one.
"Blackie?" I groaned. Pushing away from Heather, I glanced around. Only to smile when I saw Blackie lying asleep next to me on the bed.
Reaching over I pat him gently on the head, his ears laid back with the weight of my hand. Something about him now caused a slight bit of uneasiness in me. Was it because of the strange dream I had? But why, he's just a dog, right?
"He has been asleep since I got back. Then I heard you mumbling something so I decided to wake you." Heather said.
Her face showed her concern for my wellbeing. But what could I tell her? That I dreamed that my dog was a man, a wolf in sheep's clothing? How ridiculous would that sound to her?
Heck, it sounded ridiculous to me! And I’m the one who dreamed it!
Taking a deep breath I tried to relax. Although the dreams were anything but pleasant, they didn't seem to be something that could be referred to as nightmares. Just strange dreams…
"I'm thirsty," I blurted out. My mouth seemed to be getting dry all of a s
udden. Was it because my mind was riddled with unanswered questions about the dreams? Or was it just because I was thirsty, nothing else?
Or maybe I was thinking too much…
I glanced up at Heather as she stood, "Okay, what do you want?" She asked.
I think she knew something wasn't right about me as well. She was too different toward me.
"Water will be fine." I spoke, smiling. I didn't want to worry her. After all she was the only friend I really had at the present. What would happen if I told her about my stupid dreams? She would probably call me a psycho and never want to talk to me again. Then I would be really alone in this world.
Alone? No, wait!
I wouldn't be alone…I'd have Blackie.
Glancing over I was surprised to see that even through all of my and Heather's talking, Blackie was still sound asleep. I watched as his chops twitched, showing his teeth. Sharp and ivory colored.
Then my eyes slowly found themselves staring at his closed eyelids. I couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about?
What do dogs dream about? I mean every creature must dream, right? It is only natural to dream of things you cannot have, things that frighten you.
Leaning over so I was lying more on my side I rested my arm over his fluff that ruffled his neck. Then I snuggled up close to him, as I had done so many times before. I loved snuggled up close to him. He made me feel safe and secure. Sometimes I thought of him as my angel.
My savor.
Someone God sent to watch over me and make sure I would be alright through my life. But my mind slowly pushed that theory aside. After all, why would God send a dog to watch after me? The thought itself seemed sort of wild and childish.
"Here," Heather said as she returned with a cold glass of water in hand.
"Thanks," I whispered as I took the glass, and then took a light sip. The water felt great, cold and refreshing.
"So," I glanced up as Heather started to talk. "Do you want to talk about you dream?" I just stared at her confused.
I slowly glanced down at my glass of water then let out a heavy sigh. "No, not right now at least." After speaking I looked up at Heather. She seemed a bit hurt that I wouldn't confide in her to tell her of my dream. But that wasn't it. The truth was it was me. I didn't want to talk or even think about it right now.
"I'm sorry, Heather. I-I just don't feel like talking about it yet." I murmured, softly.
My voice was hoarse and weak. I just wanted to go back to sleep, but I was afraid, afraid that the dreams would return.
"Okay," Heather's voice seemed as hurt as her expression. And that only made me feel worse. She was worried for me and I couldn't even conjure up the courage to talk to her about my troubles.
"Hey, Heather wait." I spoke, smiling. "Why don't I take a shower then get dressed, we can go to the mall." I always knew the mall was Heather's favorite place to go, and luckily they allowed animals, in certain parts of the mall. So I wouldn’t have to leave Blackie behind alone.
"Great! That's a wonderful idea!" Heather's high-pitched squeal was back. Glancing over quickly I barely caught a glimpse of Blackie raising his head startled. I guess her voice was ten-times worse for him with his canine hearing.
Smiling I reaching over again and pat him on the head, gently. "Sorry boy, did you have a good sleep?" I asked.
He seemed so tired lately. For the life of me I couldn't figure him out. What could be draining him of all his energy? After all he didn't do that much but lounge around the dorm.
"Come on!" Heather was back to her normal hyperactive self, which was nice to see. It was the Heather I knew and loved dearly as a friend.
Laughing I allowed her to drag me from my bed and shove me into the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of Blackie, slowly lugging himself down from the bed as well. I felt sorry for him. I could get away from Heather by taking a shower; he was stuck with her out there.
Smiling I reached over and started the water, adjusting the temperature. I guess today was going to be one of my few nice days out with my friends. Heather and Blackie, my only two true friends. Or at least the only two friends I believed I could trust in this world…
Chapter Four
I could feel the chilly wind blowing against my naked body. A chill ran down my spine and I heard the splash of waves against rocks. My eyes felt heavy. I had to be dreaming again.
All I remembered was spending the day at the mall with Heather, then coming home and going to bed. I had never dreamed every night before. Was my mind trying to make sense of everything that had gone on in the last weeks?
Maybe it was just my subconscious way of dealing with everything.
My eyes snapped open at the sound of that voice. It was the man from my dreams. His voice was echoing in my mind. I could almost feel him near me. The scent of freshness and peace drifted under my nose. It was the wonderful scent that often accompanied Blackie. Was this dream trying to tell me something? Did this man and Blackie have a connection somehow?
But how could a stray dog and fabled man have anything in common?
Everything in my dream went from white to black quickly. Then I could hear a low thumping sound. But this sound wasn’t in my head; no it was in my room.
I tried to force myself to wake up. That was a big fail.
I could still hear the noise; it seemed to be getting closer. Then I could hear a low growling noise. It must be Blackie…
“Blackie…” I groaned out his name in my sleep.
This was beginning to annoy me. I tried to force myself to move out of the bed and perhaps the impact of the floor would wake me up. But every muscle in my body was fighting against me. Then I could feel the sensation of someone’s touch on my shoulder. I really began to fight my sleep then, only to wake up with silver eyes staring down on me. But they weren’t Blackie’s. No, they belonged to the man in my dreams.
“Shh!” He held a finger up to his lips. His black hair was a mess and he was dressed in all black. But the one thing about him that caught my attention was the heavy silver cross pendant that hung around his neck. “Just keep quiet.” His accent was wonderful, something I hadn’t noticed until now. He sounded southern.
I just kept quiet and nodded. My eyes slowly turned with his to see something over in the dark corner of the room. Red eyes were staring at us.
Finally I couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “What is it?” I whispered my eyes glued to the two glowing orbs.
I could feel his silver eyes on me as he moved closer to me. Then I jumped when his arm wrapped around my shoulder and I could feel the warmth of his body upon my skin. “It’s a demon.”
A demon! What was he talking about? Demons don’t exist…or I thought they didn’t. But then again, I didn’t think this guy was real. And yet here he was, sitting right beside me in a protective manner. Plus, just like every other time he appeared - Blackie was nowhere in sight. I finally ripped my eyes from the corner of the room to look at the dark man. “Blackie?”
He looked down at me and it was then that I saw Blackie’s collar around his neck. His smile was enough to melt marble. He was just too perfect - no man could be this handsome. He was like a dark angel.
“Yes?” He replied with a grin.
I felt his arm wrap around me a little tighter and I knew he wasn’t evil. I could just feel the calming aura coming from him in waves; it was as if the calming was pouring from his body to mine. Even though he seemed to be dark, he wasn’t bad. Something in my gut told me so. He was here to help me, not hurt me.
This man was the dog that had kept me so at peace the last few weeks. He was the creature that had helped me through everything.
“Oh, and my name is Raphael.” He said with a laugh. “Not Blackie.”
I could feel a blush spread across my cheeks at his sly remark. How was I to know he would be able to actually protest to the name, let alone had a real name? “Sorry…” I whispered shyly.
“Well isn’t this
just a perfect picture. Master and mutt!”
A low growl emitted from Blackie’s - I mean Raphael’s chest as I could see the creature in the corner had grown in height. Instead of near the floor it was now the height of a man. I watched as a man walked from the darkness into the light of the moon and gasped when I remembered him.
“Jake Hill?” I gasped.
He looked at me with his cold amber eyes and smiled. “Yes, Katie. I thought I would come pay you a visit and check up on you - but sadly your puppy won’t let me near you.” His snide remark felt like a warning.
“Get out of here, Jake!” Raphael snapped. “She’s not in your realm yet. Her heart is still pure.”
I watched at the two men stared each other down. The tension was thick in the room and I could feel it rising with every second. “What is going on?” I spoke, hoping it would cause the two to stop.
“Well Miss Williams, it is fairly simple. You have been marked by the devil.” He pointed to my neck and I could feel a strange tingling sensation on my neck. Reaching up I placed my hand over the spot to feel it was overly warm. Jumping up from the bed and Raphael’s protection I bolted for the nearest mirror. On my neck, as clear as day was a pentagram with unusual lettering inside and around it, it was so large I should have noticed it before now.
“I know what you’re thinking.” Jake said as he strolled over to me stopped a few feet away.
Before I could even blink, Raphael was standing at my side with his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him as he squeezed down on my shoulder comforting me, telling me everything was alright.
“Then what am I thinking?” I asked, amazed at how bold I was getting.
His laugh could freeze fire. Something about him had me uneasy from the start. And now I believe I was seeing the true reason I felt the predator/prey sensation around him. I could feel he was waiting for a moment to pounce, but for what. What did he mean I had a mark? When was I marked by the devil? I thought only sinners were chased by the devil?
“Well,” He paused and turned to walk back toward the center of the room. “You’re trying to figure out why and when you were marked, right?”