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Shadowy Truth Page 2

  The walk to the shelter seemed to take forever. Either that or we were just walking so slow and taking in the few sights that it seemed like a long walk. But still I wasn't tired, I felt a little better about the breakup I had went through earlier. I felt like I was a little more revived and happy. I don't know if it is because of the beautiful weather or Blackie?

  Maybe it was just the clear, cheery weather that was brightening my spirit's a bit. They say that the clear skies can do a wonder on a person. So that was probably just the effect it had on me. But whatever it was I'm glad it was taking place. I hated to cry over someone. Especially someone I love…well…loved.

  What am I saying?

  If Chris came crawling back…I wouldn't hesitate to take him back. I needed his love. I needed someone to tell me I was loved and show me how much they cared for me. I already missed the quiet nights, sitting alone in the dark watching late night movies. Walks through the park, talking for hours on end. Trips to the fair grounds and every little thing you wouldn't think were important until it is gone.

  As I started to think about Chris again, I began to tear up.


  I quickly wiped my eyes and tried to change my thoughts to something cheery and less depressing.

  Then I saw it.

  Chris, he was standing down the street with a woman. I studied her for a moment. She was very beautiful. Long, wavy blond hair that was down to her shoulders and from what I could see she was tanned and very feminine.

  Nothing like me. He was right she was better than me.

  I could tell just from the distance I was standing now. Just the way she was laughing and hugging him I could tell she wasn't worried about her outer looks, nor did she have any noticeable fears. She was perfect for him. Far more perfect for Chris than I would have ever been.

  That did it.

  Falling to my knees I began to weep. I felt so useless. Worthless. I didn't deserve to live.

  Then I was brought back to reality due to a wet, cold feeling on my arm. Slowly I turned my teary eyes toward the sensation.

  There sitting close to me, silver eyes locked on my blue ones, it was Blackie. He seemed worried. And I could tell he was trying the best way he could to comfort me and cheer me up.

  Crying I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his fur. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just wanted to cry until I couldn't any longer. I felt like my heart was about to just literally tear apart.

  "It’s alright, Katie." The voice was soft, gentle and comforting.

  But where was the voice coming from?

  Opening my eyes I quickly noted that instead of ink black fur my face was close to…someone.

  "Huh?" I mumbled.

  Moving back some I stared at the face of the person, it was a man. Around his mid to late twenties. I studied him for the few seconds as I stared. His hair was a bit wild looking and black in color. Then I noticed his arms were near my waist, since he must have been embracing me. Who was this strange man? And where did he just come from? Then again, where was Blackie?

  "Wh-Who are you?" I stuttered.

  I couldn't think of anything else to ask. At a complete loss for words, I couldn't even remember anything that had happened the last hour or so. All I could think of was this man. This man who was trying to comfort me, and where was Blackie.

  Before I could react I felt his hand come up to cover my eyes. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke as he must have been close. I could feel his hot breath against my ear. His voice wasn't like any man I had ever heard.

  He seemed otherworldly.

  I felt numb, as if I couldn't react to his hand covering my eyes. So I only closed my eyes and tried to do as he had told me too. After all I don't see how a man with a voice such as his could harm anyone. Everything about the man seemed gentle and unable to inflict harm on anyone or anything. He almost seemed angelic.

  Feeling weak I felt myself slip into a world of dizziness. I was drifting off to sleep. I could feel my body being lowered a bit toward the cold pavement. What was this effect the man was having on me? I felt at peace, calm and at ease. All in all, I felt like I was in paradise in his presence.

  Then I felt strong arms lift me from the street. It must have been the man. But I was too much into the wonderful feeling that I was in to care. Leaning my head closer toward his chest I then smelled it. That wonderful scent, the same scent I had smelled on Blackie.

  But how could he smell like Blackie? I must have been dreaming. I must have never woken up this morning. All this had to be a dream. That is the only way to explain today. Blackie showing up at my door and Chris breaking up with me for another woman. It was all just a dream or more along the lines of a nightmare.

  "Thank you for bringing her back. She's lucky you came along." I could hear Heather's voice. And for once it wasn't cheery and childish; it held more of a serious, worried tone to it.

  What had happened?

  Did I pass out? Was I really dreaming? Was everything that happened real or a fantasy?

  Then I heard a male voice, "It was no problem. If it hadn't been for this dog I wouldn't even have known where to bring her. He really is quiet intelligent." The voice didn't sound familiar.

  Moving a bit in my bed I turned my head and smiled when I saw a black patch of fur. Blackie was lying next to me.

  Everything wasn't a dream. It was all real…even Chris. But odd enough the thought of Chris didn't send me into tears. I felt a bit of sadness but that was it. No tears were shed.

  "Katie," I heard Heather. "Thank God. Are you alright?" She was worried I could clearly tell.

  Then I slowly let my gaze drift over to the source of the male voice. It wasn't the man I saw before. Instead he was a bit older looking.

  His hair seemed to be a dark red color, not brown but red. Then I stared into his eyes, deep pools of amber. They seemed a bit brown, but a lot lighter than any normal brown eyes.

  "Who…" Was all I could manage out? Lifting my hand up to my throat I rubbed my neck gently. For some reason I had a sore throat. What had happened? Who was this man?

  "Oh this is Jake Hill, he found you unconscious on the streets with this dog. He said if it wasn't for the dog he wouldn't have known where to bring you. Where did you get the dog anyway?" Heather spoke, in a rather rushed tone.

  I just stared at her then moved the hand that I had on my neck down to Blackie. So he was the one who helped this, Jake person, to bring me back.

  But that still doesn't explain the strange man.

  "Katie?" Heather's voice brought me out of my thoughts. She was checking me to see if I had a fever, her hand up against my forehead.

  "I'm okay, Heather. I think I just fainted. I mean…you know me." I laughed.

  Heather knew me better than anyone. And she knew that I wasn't one who was tough and emotionally sound.

  "Alright, if you’re sure you are okay. I'll leave you to get some rest. If you need anything I'll have my cell phone with me, just call and I'll be back as quick as I can." She said. Smiling she stood from sitting at the edge of my bed.

  "Alright, don't worry. I'll be okay." Slowly I turned my gaze to Jake. He was staring at Blackie for some strange reason. Then I gasped. Jake’s eyes…they weren't human. They looked like that of a cat’s. His pupils were slits.

  Heather just smiled as she turned and started toward the door. Was she going to leave with this Jake person? Should I say something? But I don't want to sound rude. After all he did bring me back here, when he didn't have too. Maybe he was just wearing contacts. Yea! That was it. After all they did make contacts like that. I've seen them in commercials and magazines.

  "Bye, bye." Heather left with those parting words.

  And my suspicions were confirmed. She left with Jake. For some reason he made me feeling uneasy. Something about his eyes, they gave me goose bumps.

  I felt Blackie nudge my hand and I slowly turned my gaze down toward him. Smiling I rubbed behind his ear.
br />   "Thanks," I whispered.

  It seemed like he wasn't going anywhere. He was my dog, my best friend now.

  Chapter Two

  The feeling of uneasiness had yet to leave me. I still felt certain weariness about this Jake person.

  Sitting on the couch I reached and picked up the remote. I was trying my best to forget that chill I got after staring into his eyes.

  Lying down I motioned for Blackie to come lay beside me on the couch. He is one of the few things that gave me peace of mind. But the image of that man, the one who I saw before I passed out. It wouldn’t leave my mind. It is like a stamp on my subconscious.

  Snuggling up closer to Blackie, I sighed. I loved his scent for some reason.

  I know I know…I sound completely foolish saying I love how a dog smells. But just think of this. Think of yourself in a field full of freshly blooming flowers, and fresh clean water in a rushing stream. Clear skies and butterflies, everything that is peaceful and relaxing.

  That is the feeling I get when I get close enough to smell of Blackie's fur. Besides being an amazing dog he is also a wonderful companion and friend. If it had not been for him I probably would still be lying on the streets.

  Possibly kidnapped by some weirdo or worse, attacked by ants.

  I shivered at the thought.

  Come to think of it I'd rather be kidnapped than attacked by ants. Silly? Have you ever seen ants in a little troop? They are like an evil army. Plus they stink when you squash them.

  Snuggling up closer, I decided to think of something else. Since after switching through every channel I found out quickly that there wasn't anything on the television.

  "This is boring," I mumbled.

  My chin resting on the back of Blackie's neck was becoming my favorite way to rest. Which was a rather comfortable way to lie.

  Hearing a low growl rumble from Blackie I sat up and stared at him confused, then asked. "What's wrong?" I followed his piercing gaze to the door then stood. "Is someone there?" I asked, but got no reply of course.

  I looked back at Blackie confused. "Blackie, stop that!" I said a bit forcefully. Finally after holding my finger up and telling him to be quiet, I walked toward the door.

  Stopping short I glanced back toward Blackie. His hackle fur was on end. Something he didn't like was outside this door, but what?

  Opening the door enough so I could peer out and still keep it locked, I found that there was no one. Confused I turned and looked back at Blackie.

  Why was he acting so strange?

  I shut the door and walked past Blackie, on the couch, toward my bed. A nap was just the thing I needed right now. I could already feel a headache coming on.

  Sitting down I reached and pulled the covers up over my body. I felt so comfortable and cozy. Loving that feeling I quickly dozed off into my afternoon nap.

  "Katie? Katie?" Heather's voice woke me up slowly. To me it seems that every time I get comfortable and asleep she shows up with her annoying voice.

  Sighing I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

  Finally I grumbled, "What?"

  Opening my eyes I stared at her confused, tilting my head a bit like I had seen Blackie do on so many occasions.

  Smiling, Heather spoke. "You fixed dinner?" I stared at her confused.

  Fixed dinner?

  I wasn't even awake. What on earth was she talking about? Then I saw, glancing past Heather I saw it, dinner. Someone had prepared dinner. Chicken and rice, pickled radishes, tea, the whole nine-yards.

  But who? I had locked the door before I went to bed. No one could have gotten inside to fix it. "Heather, stop joking around. You brought that didn't you?" I jested.

  She had to be joking.

  Her mother was always giving her food to bring. And how was I to know that she hadn't done it again? I mean if I didn't fix it and I was the only one who was in here, and Heather didn't fix it and she is the only one with a key.

  This was weird.

  Glancing down to where I thought Blackie would be, like normal, but he wasn't there. Scanning the room I noticed he wasn't even in the same room as I was. He must be on the couch. But that was odd. Was he sick?

  "Come on! You wouldn't want all of your hard work to go to waste, right?" Being jerked which I allowed oddly, I thought.

  I knew all too well that Heather couldn't cook anything.

  After all she had almost killed us while trying to make a microwave dinner. If it hadn't of been for Chris being here she would have probably blown the microwave up.


  For some reason all of my memories that I wanted to remember have him in them. I guess it’s sad that my past relationship with Chris is causing me to feel sick every time I think of the morning.

  That morning…

  When he had told me he found someone better than me.

  But also I guess that was a wonderful day. That was the day Blackie found his way to my door and into my life. I guess he was all I could ask for.

  And he couldn't break up with me.

  Before I noticed Heather had dragged me to the table and forced me to sit. Glancing over, I watched as she started to help herself to the food. It did smell good. And it was freshly cooked. Maybe only about ten to fifteen minutes old.

  "Katie, you really don't have to hide the fact that you can cook! It's great!" Heather spouted.

  Her mouth was full and the words were a bit distorted but I could still tell what she was saying.

  "Heather I'm telling you I didn't cook this! You had to have brought it, stop lying and tell me the truth!" I finally yelled. I was getting sick of her joking around. After all that was all she seemed to ever do.

  Heather just stared at me, fork half way in her mouth. "But I'm not lying, Katie." Her voice wasn't one of someone lying. Maybe she was telling the truth. Maybe she didn't bring it, but that still doesn't answer how it got here.

  Leaning back a bit in my chair, I sighed. This was puzzling. Then I felt a cold sensation on my elbow. There was Blackie. He must have finally decided to get off the couch.

  "What?" I asked curiously, reaching over I patted his head gently. Then turned back to stare at the delicious looking food, hoping a solution would pop into my head. Telling me how the food had managed to show up here.

  Then I felt Blackie nudge me again.

  "What?" I asked again.

  He seemed determined to get my attention. Watching him I noticed his silver eyes were glancing toward the food then back to me. As if telling me to eat and enjoy it.

  They say dogs can smell bad stuff. Maybe he knows there isn't anything wrong with the food.

  "See, Katie. Blackie even thinks you should eat. Come one," Heather motioned toward the plate she had prepared and sat in front of me. "Eat," She said, smiling.

  I smiled. I guess she was right. It was a shame to let this good food go to waste. Slowly, I reached and took a fork and slowly began to eat. The food, only one word could describe it, wonderful.

  After the wonderful meal, I decided to start up again on my studying. Since I would need to go back to classes tomorrow, even though I didn't want too. But that is how life goes I guess, you have to do tons of things in life that you really don't want to or care much for.

  Sitting at my desk I sighed. This was really boring.

  Tapping my pen I glanced toward the window, it was starting to sprinkle rain. Reaching I turned on my small AM/FM radio, so I could hear the weather report for the day.

  -Today New York has a 70% chance for rain. Cloudy and storms for most of the day. Today is not a day you should choose to take an afternoon stroll. Tomorrow shows morning rains at 30% then it should be clearing up later on into the day.-

  I hate rain.

  All it does is make the day gloomy and sad. Like I needed rain to feel gloomy or sad. After all I am worthless, what do I have to feel happy and cheerful about.

  Hearing Blackie's bark I turned in my chair and smiled. He was sitting not far from me, his tail flo
pping against the floor as he stared at me. Then I noticed he had something in his mouth.

  It was one of my shoes.

  It was my tennis shoe. This is great, like I really need him eating my shoe.

  Standing I walked over and kneeled down in front of him and motioned for him to give me my shoe. He only growled playfully and jumped up from his sitting position and started to leap around in a playful manner.

  So he was bored, huh?

  Just as bored as I was probably. I guess as long as he isn't chewing on my shoe he's okay. Then I felt his nose nudge my hand, looking down, there was my tennis shoe.

  He had brought it to me and was staring at me. As if waiting for me to throw it or play with him.

  "Sorry boy, I can't. I have to finish my studies." I think he understood what I said.

  After staring at me for a few minutes he slowly turned and started toward the couch. He seemed tired and lonely lately.

  Was he sick? Maybe I should take him to a veterinarian.

  Sighing, I stood. Well I guess back to the desk and the boring books.

  Turning I walked back over to my desk and flopped down into my cushioned chair. As comfortable as the chair looked I seemed to not be able to get comfortable. I tried sitting every way I could think, but nothing. I guess watching some television wouldn't hurt for a while.

  So that was it, after deciding to watch television I felt a little better. That is until I started to feel sick of my stomach. Putting my hand up to my stomach I groaned. It felt like someone was churning my stomach with a spoon. And trust me…that is not a good feeling.

  Quickly I darted toward the bathroom. I noticed that Blackie had quickly sat up some when he saw me move so quickly. I reached the toilet just in time. The feeling of vomiting is the worst.

  I felt as though I vomited forever, then sat up and groaned.

  What could have caused this sickness? Maybe it is just the flu or a virus. After wiping my mouth I moved over to the sink and splashed some cold water on my face. Looking at myself in the mirror I sighed.